The Intercontinental Amateur Traffic Net [Intercon] 20-meter net was formed in 1960 to promote goodwill and friendly relations among radio operators everywhere. We handle third party traffic and provide emergency communications to any station when needed.
The net operates every day from 0700 to 1200 Eastern time on 14.300 MHz, which has been designated by the
IARU as a
worldwide center-of-activity frequency for emergency traffic.
Please cooperate with our goal of monitoring this frequency by operating individually at least 5KHz away up or down to avoid interference, or
join us in monitoring the frequency and provide relays if you can.
You may not hear the current Net Control Station Operator due to current conditions, but we are there. We change operators every hour from all
the over this hemisphere.
(1200Z-1700Z during standard time, and 1100Z-1600Z during daylight savings time)
The Maritime Mobile Service Net (a different organization) takes over at noon Eastern time.
When checking into the net, please use standard phonetics, twice. This gives the Net Control Station (NCS) an opportunity to enter you into our unique logger. If you have checked into the net before, we have instant information about you to confirm the contact. The NCS Operators change every hour on the hour. See the schedule link at the top of this page.
If you need to contact the NCS during the same shift, please say, "RE-CHECK" so the NCS does not enter you twice.
Tell your fellow operators to come by and check in. Signal and audio reports are welcomed when requested.
All operators are expected to give way when emergency or priority traffic is being handled. Relays are requested whenever possible. Your help is appreciated.
You can join our elite team of Net Control Operators
We are always looking for periodic relief and steady shift operators to cover slots. Contact the Net Manager if you are interested in becoming an NCS operator. Our Team enjoys the Amateur Radio art while monitoring for emergencies and logging general check-ins with or without traffic. Listen to learn!
Email us to find out more details.